Work – Life Balance

Most people will admit that they struggle with balancing work and life demands. It often feels like you are juggling 10 balls in the air and you realize at the last minute, you don’t know how to juggle.

Having adequate work – life balance is when a person believes they are effectively managing their personal and professional life creating a sense of complete satisfaction in both.

However, between demands at work, home, social, and with family it is often difficult to strike a good work – life balance, and individuals are feeling increasingly dissatisfied with demanding employment situations that do not allow for adequate balance.

As a result, this poor balance is leading to an increase in obesity, a decrease in physical activity, unhealthy diets, parental and employment dissatisfaction, a sense of failure, and higher incidents of depression.

With this understanding, it is imperative for individuals to take control of their personal and professional lives, and identify ways to have a comfortable work – life balance.

What are some effective ways to achieve work-life balance?

  • Take advantage of a flexible work environment if offered at your organization, i.e. telecommute, work a split schedule, or job share.
  • Ask for support from your manager in effective tools to better balance work and personal demands so they do not bleed over into one another.
  • Surround yourself with family and friends who offer emotional support and encouragement.
  • Friends and family should encourage a balance of pursuing personal interest and hobbies in addition to family and work obligations.
  • Maintain a balanced diet and steady sleep schedule.
  • If you are a manager or supervisor, be an authentic leader by encouraging and modeling effective work-life balance.

So today, try and commit to one way you can improve your work-life balance by allowing yourself to pursue social outlets, hobbies, and/or fun family time.

Where can I find more on Work-Life Balance?